Special offer: FREE Contract of Sale and Section 32 review

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

What's the difference between a Section 32 and a Contract of Sale?
What is a VOI and why do I need it?
Do I need to come into your office?
What is PEXA?
What are your conveyancing fees?
What other fees do I pay?
What is a client authorisation form?
Do you hold a Statutory Trust Account and when would I need to use your trust account?
What’s the difference between a conveyancer and a solicitor?

Property Buyer FAQs

Should a conveyancer review the Contract of Sale and Section 32?
When do I pay my deposit?
Should I conduct a final inspection before I settle?
Should I take out home and building insurance?
Do I come to your office at settlement?
When can a purchaser nominate?
What is a cooling off period and when am I entitled to it?
What’s the difference between a joint proprietor and tenants in common?
Do you apply for my first home owner’s grants?
Do you advise the authorities about change of property ownership?
What is title insurance and do I need it?

Property Seller FAQs

When should I appoint a conveyancer?
How long does it take to prepare Section 32 and Contract of Sale?
Do I need a Section 137B owner builder defect report?
I’m an owner-builder, what must I disclose in the Section 32?
What is foreign resident capital gain withholding clearance certificate?
What happens if my Certificate of Title is lost?
Can I change settlement day?
Can I access my deposit earlier?

Have more questions? Get in touch today.

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